
Lanzallamas y PedidosYa create Delivery Power

Septiembre 2019
Brand Experience
A nomadic flashmob that opted for Brand Content and blew up the networks and the city of Buenos Aires.

¿Cómo lo hicimos?

To celebrate Spring, PedidosYa and Lanzallamas, the multiplatform agency and production company, created “Delivery Power”, a brand experience that exploded social networks and the city of Buenos Aires.
< br>A red squad of riders led by the “flying rider” surprised people with flowers, gifts, Guapaletas and a micro show by Leo García. As part of the nomadic flashmob and with a commitment to brand content, Leo García reversed his hymn “Reírme Más” for the brand, creating the new “Ode to PedidosYa!”, achieving the best engagement and reach for Pedidos Ya on its social platforms.< br>
The activation took place on Spring Day, but the campaign continued to spread over time due to the success of an infectious and powerful jingle.

unique users impacted live on Instagram
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